Today we had the talented Koka Manz come into class and teach us some Maori phrases and directions.
We have 7 days to learn the new words, phrases and connection then we will get to have Koka back!
one suny mornig one smel babay duck came flinig and sat on the wier and anther came sat to and stretched its wings and it hited the ather baby duck and thay startnito fit enthen anather baby duckling came and mad up a fit enthen all the babyducks came and fited sutinly a difrinnt cind of bird and he tweeked enthen thay all looked at him as a funy look at him and thay luft at him and he asked can I play with you and thay sied no we wont let you play with us and so he flyed right in the mitle of the baby duck
There was a one bird in the wire and then the other litter bird came, and after that all the birds came in the wire,and nest the big bird came and said hello and the two litter bird makaing the
big birdVHF
One day a small bird was on a pool. Then another bird came on it with hm. He did not like another person coming on it with him he does not like shareing. After that some more birds was coming to the pool. Then a bigger bird was standing on the stick of the paol. So all of the little birds was lifeing at the big bird. So then the big bird flu to them. He was too big for the pool so the pool was taking the ho birds down.